Trading Info


Contract Expirations

Every CFD that is based on Future contract has an expiration date, as per the table provided above. The Clients are able to close their CFD positions until the expiration date stipulated in the table above. All open future contract CFDs Positions which are not closed by the customer before reaching their value date, will be automatically rolled over by the Company to the next contract’s value date. Any existing pending orders placed on that instrument will be automatically removed.

Upon effectuating such rollover, the Position’s open P/L (Profit / Loss) will express the price difference between the expired and new contract prices, as well as include a mark-up spread. All the associated Limit Orders levels shall be automatically adjusted according to the new future contract price.

Indices – 2025
Symbol Description Expiration date / Rollover date Time
AUS200 March 17/03/2025 00:05:00
June 16/06/2025 00:05:00
September 15/09/2025 00:05:00
December 16/12/2025 00:05:00
GER40 March 12/03/2025 23:05:00
June 18/06/2025 23:05:00
September 17/09/2025 23:05:00
December 17/12/2025 23:05:00
FRA40 March 12/03/2025 23:05:00
June 18/06/2025 23:05:00
September 17/09/2025 23:05:00
December 17/12/2025 23:05:00
US30 March 13/03/2025 23:55:00
June 18/06/2025 00:05:00
September 17/09/2025 00:05:00
December 17/12/2025 00:05:00
EUR50 March 12/03/2025 23:05:00
June 18/06/2025 23:05:00
September 17/09/2025 23:05:00
December 17/12/2025 23:05:00
UK100 March 12/03/2025 23:05:00
June 18/06/2025 23:05:00
September 17/09/2025 23:05:00
December 17/12/2025 23:05:00
SPA35 January 15/01/2025 21:05:00
February 14/02/2025 21:05:00
March 14/03/2025 21:05:00
April 16/04/2025 21:05:00
May 14/05/2025 21:05:00
June 18/06/2025 21:05:00
July 15/07/2025 21:05:00
August 13/08/2025 21:05:00
September 12/09/2025 21:05:00
October 15/10/2025 21:05:00
November 14/11/2025 21:05:00
December 17/12/2025 21:05:00
NAS100 March 13/03/2025 00:05:00
June 18/06/2025 00:05:00
September 17/09/2025 00:05:00
December 17/12/2025 00:05:00
JPN225 March 07/03/2025 23:20:00
June 11/06/2025 23:20:00
September 10/09/2025 23:20:00
December 09/12/2025 23:20:00
US2000 March 12/03/2025 00:05:00
June 18/06/2025 00:05:00
September 17/09/2025 00:05:00
December 17/12/2025 00:05:00
US500 March 13/03/2025 00:05:00
June 18/06/2025 00:05:00
September 17/09/2025 00:05:00
December 17/12/2025 00:05:00
IT40 March 12/03/2025 18:45:00
June 18/06/2025 18:45:00
September 17/09/2025 18:45:00
December 17/12/2025 18:45:00
SWI20 March 12/03/2025 23:05:00
June 18/06/2025 23:05:00
September 17/09/2025 23:05:00
December 17/12/2025 23:05:00
USDX March 14/03/2025 00:05:00
June 12/06/2025 00:05:00
September 11/09/2025 00:05:00
December 11/12/2025 00:05:00
POL20 March 12/03/2025 18:05:00
June 18/06/2025 18:05:00
September 17/09/2025 18:05:00
December 17/12/2025 18:05:00
Commodities – 2025
Symbol Description Expiration date / Rollover date Time
BRENT January 26/11/2024 01:05:00
February 20/12/2024 01:05:00
March 28/01/2025 01:05:00
April 25/02/2025 01:05:00
May 26/03/2025 01:05:00
June 23/04/2025 01:05:00
July 27/05/2025 01:05:00
August 26/06/2025 01:05:00
September 28/07/2025 01:05:00
October 26/08/2025 01:05:00
November 25/09/2025 01:05:00
December 29/10/2025 01:05:00
Oil January 16/12/2024 00:05:00
February 17/01/2025 00:05:00
March 17/02/2025 00:05:00
April 17/03/2025 23:50:00
May 18/04/2025 00:05:00
June 16/05/2025 00:05:00
July 17/06/2025 00:05:00
August 18/07/2025 00:05:00
September 15/08/2025 00:05:00
October 18/09/2025 00:05:00
November 18/10/2025 00:05:00
December 17/11/2025 00:05:00
NGAS January 20/12/2024 00:05:00
February 24/01/2025 00:05:00
March 21/02/2025 00:05:00
April 24/03/2025 23:50:00
May 24/04/2025 00:05:00
June 23/05/2025 00:05:00
July 23/06/2025 00:05:00
August 25/07/2025 00:05:00
September 22/08/2025 00:05:00
October 22/09/2025 00:05:00
November 24/10/2025 00:05:00
December 21/11/2025 00:05:00
COPPER March 24/03/2025 23:55:00
May 23/05/2025 00:05:00
July 25/07/2025 00:05:00
September 23/09/2025 00:05:00
December 23/12/2025 00:05:00
Platinum January 24/01/2025 00:05:00
April 24/04/2025 00:05:00
July 25/07/2025 00:05:00
October 27/10/2025 00:05:00
Coffee March 27/02/2025 20:35:00
May 25/04/2025 20:35:00
July 20/06/2025 20:35:00
September 22/08/2025 20:35:00
December 15/12/2025 20:35:00
Sugar March 24/02/2025 20:05:00
May 25/04/2025 20:05:00
July 26/06/2025 20:05:00
October 26/09/2025 20:05:00
COCOA March 10/03/2025 20:30:00
May 09/04/2025 20:30:00
July 11/07/2025 20:30:00
September 12/08/2025 20:30:00
December 12/12/2025 20:30:00
CORN March 07/03/2025 21:20:00
May 08/05/2025 21:20:00
July 10/07/2025 21:20:00
September 05/09/2025 21:20:00
December 05/12/2025 21:20:00
COTTON March 03/03/2025 21:05:00
May 02/05/2025 21:05:00
July 03/07/2025 21:05:00
October 06/10/2025 21:05:00
December 05/12/2025 21:05:00
SBEAN January 27/12/2024 21:20:00
March 11/03/2025 21:20:00
May 12/05/2025 21:21:00
July 11/07/2025 21:20:00
August 11/08/2025 21:20:00
September 10/09/2025 21:20:00
November 11/11/2025 21:20:00
WHEAT March 11/03/2025 21:20:00
May 12/05/2025 21:22:00
July 11/07/2025 21:20:00
September 10/09/2025 21:20:00
December 10/12/2025 21:20:00


Below you can find the trading hours.

Please make sure that you are aware of the changes and closures so that they do not affect your trading.

Instrument Thursday, January 9 Friday, January 10
OIL Regular Regular
BRENT Regular Regular
NGAS Regular Regular
SUGAR Regular Regular
COCOA Regular Regular
COFFEE Regular Regular
COTTON Regular Regular
COPPER Regular Regular
PLAT Regular Regular
GOLD Regular Regular
SILVER Regular Regular
CORN 03:00-15:45; 16:30-20:15 (early close) Regular
WHEAT 03:00-15:45; 16:30-20:15 (early close) Regular
SBEAN 03:00-15:45; 16:30-20:15 (early close) Regular
NAS100 01:00-16:30 (early close) Regular
US30 01:00-16:30 (early close) Regular
US2000 01:00-16:30 (early close) Regular
US500 01:00-16:30 (early close) Regular
USDX Regular Regular
JPN225 Regular Regular
CANNABISIDX Closed Regular
LATAMIDX Closed Regular
AIIDX Closed Regular
ETFs Closed Regular
US STOCKS Closed Regular

Visit our Holidays page to be fully updated with all changes.

The above schedule may be subject to change.

All other financial instruments will not be affected by the holiday, however, there may be times of low liquidity and wider spreads during the holiday.

Global reserves the right to enable "Close Only" or even disable trading on instruments with low liquidity without prior notice, if deemed necessary.

In observance of the Epiphany, trading hours of various instruments will be affected.

Please make sure that you are aware of the changes and closures so that they do not affect your trading.

Instrument Monday, January 06 Tuesday, January 07
Swedish Shares Closed Regular
POL20 Closed Regular

Visit our Holidays page to be fully updated with all changes.

The above schedule may be subject to change.

All other financial instruments will not be affected by the holiday, however, there may be times of low liquidity and wider spreads during the holiday.

Global reserves the right to enable "Close Only" or even disable trading on instruments with low liquidity without prior notice, if deemed necessary.

Orders and executions

MARKET ORDERS. A Market Order allows the trader enter the market immediately but in the case the market becomes very volatile, there is no guarantee that the order will be executed.
FXORO Global re-quotes orders if they have not been filled, therefore in the case the order has not been filled at the required price, the order will be re-quoted.

LIMIT ORDERS. A Limit Order allows the trader to enter the market at some time in the future and is filled at the price requested or might even be better in some occasions than the one requested.

STOP ORDERS. Stop Orders guarantee execution, but not a particular price. Due to volatility, a stop order might get filled at a different price than the one requested and this is referred to as slippage.

SLIPPAGE. Slippage is usually seen during periods of extremely high volatility and generally occurs during key news releases or during off market hours and occurs both in the different markets. It may be impossible to execute an order at the requested price. In this event, FXORO Global has the right to execute the Stop Loss Order at the first available price (“Slippage”) based on the nearest possible price. This does no affect the “Negative Balance Protection” policy therefore ensuring the trader never to owe more than what has been invested.

Negative Balance Protection

This is a legally binding policy which guarantees that our customers’ accounts could not go into minus, so traders will never lose more than they’ve invested, even in cases of extraordinary volatility.

FXORO Global developed a cutting edge technology allowing their traders to get to an exposure coverage down to 0 and therefore be able to trade till they have enough equity in their account. If for any reason the customer is exposed to more than what he invested, FXORO Global should bear the loss from the execution done in the market to the Zero Value Margin level.

Promotions and Trading Offers

For more information regarding the Company’s Promotions and Campaigns please refer to the relevant
Trading Offers of the Company.

Inactive accounts

After three (3) consecutive months of non-use (“Inactivity Period”) of the trading account, an inactivity fee will be deducted from the Customer’s trading account, by the end of the inactivity period. The fee should be taken from customers without open positions who didn’t trade for 3 months (3 months from the time they closed their last position). For the first three consecutive inactivity periods, the Company shall deduct the fee of 25 EUR/GBP/USD/CHF (depending on the customer’s relevant currency based account), per inactivity period. For the fourth consecutive inactivity period, the Company shall deduct a yearly inactivity fee of 100EUR/GBP/USD/CHF (depending on the customer’s relevant currency based account).

Therefore, for every year that the account remains inactive, the Company shall deduct for the first three inactivity periods, the fee of 25 EUR/GBP/USD/CHF (depending on the customer’s relevant currency based account) per inactivity period and by the end of the fourth inactivity period, the Company shall deduct a yearly inactivity fee of 100EUR/GBP/USD/CHF (depending on the customer’s relevant currency based account).

The fee will be discontinued the moment the account is no longer deemed inactive, following new trade order for example. The deductions will be executed until the account balance is zero. There will be no charge if the free balance is zero. Accounts with a zero free balance may also be closed.

Deposits & withdrawals

Methods Currency Fees/Commission
Visa Mastercard Maestro EUR,USD,GBP,CHF No Commission (0%)
Bank Wire Transfers USD,EUR,GBP,CHF No Commission or 4 %
(Depending by the region)
E-Wallet USD No Commission (0%)

The first three withdrawal requests of every month, submitted to the company, will be processed free of charge.

For any additional withdrawal request, a fee of 10 EUR/USD/GBP/CHF will be charged, according to the trading account’s currency.

Earning Calendar

Margin requirements for shares with an upcoming company earnings report, may be increased 3 business days prior to the corporate event and may remain in effect after the corporate event at Global’s sole discretion. For the duration of the affected period, the Company reserves the right to change the margin requirements for all existing and new trades. In order to familiarize yourself with the new margin requirements, please refer to the table below. Global clients remain fully responsible for monitoring both the required margin of their account(s) and free margin prior, during and after the affected period. Consequently, Global clients understand and accept that this may result in their account(s) incurring a margin call and/or stop out. Note: The expected release dates of corporate events, such as company earnings reports, are subject to change without notice. Times/dates on the Earnings Calendar refer to GMT +2, unless indicated otherwise.

Share Market Earnings Date
AMD Shares - USA 04.02.2025
GOOGLE Shares - USA 04.02.2025
INTESA SANPAOLO Shares - Italy 04.02.2025
KINNEVIK Shares - Sweden 04.02.2025
PEPSI Shares - USA 04.02.2025
PFIZER Shares - USA 04.02.2025
ARM Shares - USA 05.02.2025
WALT DISNEY Shares - USA 05.02.2025
QUALCOMM Shares - USA 05.02.2025
UBER Shares - USA 05.02.2025
AMAZON Shares - USA 06.02.2025
BOLIDEN Shares - Sweden 06.02.2025
VOVLO Shares - Sweden 06.02.2025
ALIBABA Shares - USA 07.02.2025
MEDIOBANCA Shares - Italy 10.02.2025
MCDONALDS Shares - USA 10.02.2025
GILEAD Shares - USA 11.02.2025
COCA-COLA Shares - USA 11.02.2025
LYFT Shares - USA 11.02.2025
UNICREDIT Shares - Italy 11.02.2025
COINBASE Shares - USA 13.02.2025
MONCLER Shares - Italy 13.02.2025
MODERNA Shares - USA 14.02.2025
TENARIS Shares - Italy 19.02.2025
WALMART Shares - USA 20.02.2025
POSTE ITALIANE Shares - Italy 21.02.2025
NVIDIA Shares - USA 26.02.2025
STELLANTIS Shares - USA 26.02.2025
ZOOM Shares - USA 26.02.2025
ACS Shares - Spain 27.02.2025
BEYOND MEAT Shares - USA 27.02.2025
ENI Shares - Italy 27.02.2025
AMADEUS Shares - Spain 28.02.2025
GRIFOLS Shares - Spain 28.02.2025


Shares Market Type Date and Time (GMT +2)
AMERICAN EXPRESS Shares - USA Cash Dividend 03.01.2025 23:55
JPMORGAN Shares - USA Cash Dividend 06.01.2025 23:55
AMADEUS Shares - Spain Cash Dividend 15.01.2025 23:55
PFIZER Shares - USA Cash Dividend 24.01.2025 23:55

Corporate Actions

A corporate action is an event initiated by a public company that affects the securities (equity or debt) issued by the company. Corporate actions include consolidation, split, rights offering, and any other event which materially affects or may materially affect the shares’ price (including material company announcements, takeovers, mergers, insolvency etc.). Upon the occurrence of a Corporate Action in a specific share, Global shall liquidate any open position(s) and remove any limit order(s) in the CFD which quotes the specific share.
Share Market Type Date and Time (GMT +2)
Nvidia Shares - USA Stock Split 10.06.2024
#VXX Shares - USA Stock Split 24.07.2024
  #VXX- iPath Series B S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN STOCK SPLIT We would like to inform you that on 24/07/2024, the ETF of iPath Series B S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN (VXX)  had a reverse stock split at the ratio of 1 for 4 (for each share, the investors received 0.25 , and the current share price increased 4 times). While this corporate event was scheduled to take effect before market opens, due to a technical issue, the necessary adjustments were performed after the market was opened. In view of the above, all positions were adjusted accordingly. Please note that the volume of the new positions will now be 1/4 times the volume of the initial positions and the opening price will be 4 times more the opening price of the initial positions; Example: Before the stock split: Price=11 Contract size=1,000 Required margin per Lot=2200   After the stock split: Price=44 Contract size=250 Required margin per Lot=2200